PRX Derm Perfexion Peels


Shine bright with our PRX Derm Perfexion Treatment Series!

The PRX Derm Perfexion peels deeply exfoliate, removing dead skin cells and revealing a fresh, youthful complexion. Experience the magic of renewed skin texture, improved elasticity, and a youthful glow with this amazing treatment!

Package Includes 3 PRX Derm Perfexion Chemical Peels.

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* Terms and Conditions apply.  Cannot be used same day as purchase. Please note that a medical consultation is required to confirm that you are an eligible candidate for this service. By purchasing this item you certify that you understand that you are pre-paying for a treatment that will be administered by the appropriate member of our aesthetics staff once you have scheduled an appointment and we have determined eligibility for the service. Additional fees may apply. Specials are subject to change at any time.

Additional information

Treatment Area

3 SkinPen Face Treatments + 3 DermPerfextion Peels, 3 SkinPen Face & Neck Treatments + 3 DermPerfextion Peels